Ten projects ending homelessness

Since 2008, the Mercy Foundation has funded initiatives that end or prevent people’s experience of homelessness. Below are ten terrific projects from organisations working to end homelessness in their communities, proving that homelessness can be solved.

  1. National Homeless Collective Ltd: Sisters in Safe Housing project helps vulnerable women across metropolitan Melbourne secure housing and avoid or escape homelessness. The program provides repayable loans for bond and rent-in-advance to older women and women experiencing chronic homelessness.
  2. Zonta International and QShelter: This project will deliver innovative financial products to enable women over 45 years to overcome barriers that prevent them from accessing an affordable, appropriate home. Innovative housing options are urgently needed to provide more homes for women facing homelessness in their retirement years.
  3. HeadStart Homes supports single mums, First Nations Peoples and families living in community housing to buy their own home, without the need for a deposit, via the Head Start Guarantee and empowerment services. This then provides a new community housing home for another family on the housing waitlist, in desperate need of a safe and stable home.
  4. Rentwell Real Estate, YWCA Canberra’s For-Purpose Real Estate Agency provides affordable housing for low income tenants who are or at risk of homelessness. Profits are reinvested back into affordable housing and homelessness services. DGR status allows landlords to claim a tax deduction on the gap between affordable rent and full market rent. The priority group is single older women on low incomes, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  5. Wongee Mia is an innovative project transforming the approach to supporting Aboriginal people who need help with housing, working closely with an extended Indigenous family in central Perth. Meaning Strong Home, the Wongee Mia action-learning project supports individuals who are experiencing intergenerational homelessness and poverty, as well as their extended family who are also homeless or at risk of losing their tenancy. The project shows how outcomes for one person can positively affect the rest of their family.
  6. Adelaide Zero Project is a collective impact project working to end homelessness for people sleeping rough in the inner city of Adelaide. More than 40 cross-sector partners come together to work towards Functional Zero homelessness, meaning the average capacity of a community’s housing system is greater than the existing need.
  7. Older Women’s program from Women’s Property Initiatives will offer low-income women over 55 with modest assets to invest in safe, secure and affordable housing where their contribution will be preserved. They will still pay rent on a portion of the property, but they will have peace of mind from knowing that the rent is affordable, and their capital investment and their tenancy is secure.
  8. Secure futures for young mothers and their babies from Zoe Support helps young mothers and their children access and maintain safe, affordable and appropriate private rental housing and supports them to address any issues that may arise during their tenancy.
  9. Cana Communities Life Transformation Project offers disadvantaged men and women the opportunity to engage in counselling, vocational training, workplace readiness and education programs. Where possible Cana provides paid employment  as a precursor to transitioning to external employment. Participants are assisted in finding rental accommodation.
  10. Houses of Hope for older women seeking asylum by Baptcare Ltd Camberwell provides housing and support for  women seeking asylum, over 55 years, at risk of homelessness. The woman are assisted to gain employment and the skills needed to transition to independence.