Greater support for survivors of modern slavery

23 May 2023

The Australian Government announced a funding boost of $24.3 million for the Support for Trafficked People Program, to better meet the needs of survivors of human trafficking.

The funding will be provided over 4 years, to increase the minimum length of time for support up to 90 days (from the current 45), provide additional support for victim-survivors with children, ensure financial support for visa holders not able to access Centrelink payments and provide follow-up after a client has left the program at three, six and 12 months.

The boost will also fund a pilot commencing in 2024 for up to 18 months, to allow for direct referrals to the program from community providers, without engagement with the Australian Federal Police, as is currently the case. Many survivors do not wish to engage with law enforcement and this trial will assist those survivors who currently miss out on support.

Read the full announcement here.