A nurturing start

The Young Mums’ Yummy, Healthy Munches project is an initiative of Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation to nurture healthy, nutritional habits among young Aboriginal mothers in western Sydney. The objective of this project is to help young mums with child nutrition and  encourage them to enhance their own self-care through healthy eating.

At the centre, the Young Mums were able to choose healthy, affordable meals that they would prepare each week, while participating in other cultural activities and having access to services from Parent Infant Family Australia (PIFA). Several other accredited courses were delivered during 2016/2017 including First Aid, Drivers Licence (Learner Licence training) and computer classes.

A number of young mums and their children are still participating in a TAFE accredited Cooking Program, which will give the women an employable skill for life.

A core group of 8 young women and their children/babies attended throughout the year. During First Aid Training, 12 women attended over a four-week period gaining their Certificates successfully.

According to Mary Kerr from Baabayn, “By supporting the Young Mums to prepare meals throughout the past twelve months, young women living in Western Sydney and their children were given the opportunity to come together, share a meal, create a supportive network, participate in skills development programs and gain access to services, which is much needed by Aboriginal Families suffering from intergenerational trauma”.

Preparing and sharing meals continues for this project thanks to the fund raising efforts from donors.